The SEO Collective

monthly seo services

Monthly SEO Services

Looking for monthly SEO s services to improve your website traffic?

Our SEO retainer packages include everything you need in order to reach your customers on Google. 

Why Choose Monthly SEO?

An SEO retainer is the easiest way to make sure your website SEO is up to date. We’ll handle all aspects of your SEO while you can focus on what you’re best at. 

Our affordable SEO packages can be adapted to suit your budget. Whether you’ve got a one-page site, small business site or a larger e-commerce site, we work with your SEO needs.

When it comes to on page, off page, and technical SEO, there is some overlap between types. This where a monthly SEO retainer comes in handy. Our SEO specialists will handle all your SEO needs each month.

our monthly seo service

In our seo monthly services, we’ll take care of various seo tasks to help improve your search appearance and rank. We’ll tailor the individual package to suit your website.

On Page

Our monthly on page SEO includes the addition of keywords, improved internal linking and image optimization. We'll also optimize your websites meta titles and meta descriptions.


Our monthly local SEO is a great way for local businesses to reach customers. We'll work on both your website and google business profile to ensure you appear in local search results.


Each month we'll conduct an SEO audit to determine what needs to be done in order to improve your site's on page and technical SEO. We'll also monitor any changes.

Technical SEO​

During our SEO monthly maintenance, we'll make sure your site is SEO friendly. Our experts will monitor site speed, stay on top of 404s and redirects. Additionally, we'll ensure your site is indexed, crawled and accessible.

Website Maintenance

As a part of our monthly seo service, we'll also take care of your website maintenance. Keeping an eye on your site speed, updates and website security.

monthly search engine optimization service

SEO contains so many aspects it can be hard to keep track of. Selecting a monthly SEO package ensures that your website is optimised for search engines. So what does monthly SEO include?

From keyword research, to competitor analysis, audits and blog writing, you can customize your monthly website SEO package to include everything your site needs.

Put your mind at ease by using The SEO Collective to handle your website SEO. Depending on your budget, our monthly SEO maintenance can include:

Keyword Research

We'll find relevant keywords to target and add them to your site.

Site Speed

We'll monitor your site speed, making sure your users aren't left waiting.

Linking Structure

We'll remove orphan pages, improve internal links and optimize external links.

Competitor Research

We'll investigate what your competitors are doing and adjust your site accordingly.

Image Optimization

We'll make sure your images are the right size, and have relevant alt text.

Monthly SEO Reports

Each monthly, we'll send you monthly SEO and analytic reports showing you the changes to your site.

monthly seo packages

Conducting a monthly SEO audit

With our affordable monthly SEO packages, you get all your website SEO covered each month. And you can tailor your monthly package to include only what you need.

Chat to an SEO Specialist

Ready to optimize your website SEO plan? Reach out to learn more about our affordable SEO packages.

Drop us an email.

Learn more about Website SEO

Explore our blog posts on Search Engine Optimization to learn more about this powerful digital marketing strategy and how it can help your business.

Why Choose Our Monthly SEO Packages?

Wondering what the benefits of partnering with The SEO Collective are? Have a look at some of the reasons why our clients love working with us.

problem solvers icon

Problem Solvers

We give you solutions, not problems. We identify things that are wrong, are find a way to fix them.

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We adapt our SEO services to what you can afford. 

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We understand how important time is in business. So we make sure we are as efficient as possible, getting you what you need done as efficiently as we can.

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We believe in creativity. We make sure the solutions we provide are creative as well as SEO friendly.

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