The SEO Collective

About Us

Our story

The SEO Collective is here to assist businesses with their website SEO. As an SEO specialist, I have experience in a range of areas with various types of websites.

My SEO services include technical SEO, on page SEO and miscellaneous SEO related services as well. Additionally, I also offer various types of copywriting and website design.

Our Mission

Search is powerful. People use the phrase ‘just Google it’ all the time. When we’re looking for information, we head online. Need to buy something, we turn to search to find out how much things costs and where to get them. If we’re looking for places to go or things to do, search can inform our decision. At The SEO Collective we understand the power of search and want to help you leverage it to boost your business. 

The SEO Specialist

Kathryn donoghue

SEO is just one of my passions. I’ve always loved writing and art, which led me to study Visual Communications and copywriting. Now I’m sharing my knowledge and expertise with the rest of the world

When not working, you’ll find me reading, spending time with my cats or teaching yoga.

I also run my own blog, The Art of Anxiety.

SEO Experience

As an SEO specialist, Kathryn has worked both in-house and in agencies. As a SEO freelancer, she works in collaboration with numerous agencies as well as for clients directly.

She has worked on a large variety of websites, explore the types below:

SEO Tools

Over my years as an SEO specialist, I have worked with the following tools:

SEO Portfolio

Let our work do the talking for us, explore our SEO portfolio and see for yourself how we’ve helped numerous clients. You can also take a sneak peak of our personal projects. 

Why Choose Us

Wondering what the benefits of partnering with The SEO Collective are? Have a look at some of the reasons why our clients love working with us.

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Problem Solvers

We give you solutions, not problems. We identify things that are wrong, are find a way to fix them.

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We charge you based on the value we provide rather than the time it takes us to get things done.

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We understand how important time is in business. So we make sure we are as efficient as possible, getting you what you need done as efficiently as we can.

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We believe in creativity. We make sure the solutions we provide are creative as well as SEO friendly.

Find Out How We Can Help Your Business

Ready to optimise your website for search engines? Send us an email.

Our Clients

Discover our past and present SEO and copywriting clients. 

Read Our Latest Blog Posts

Learn more about The SEO Collective and improve your search engine optimization knowledge with our latest blog posts.

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