The SEO Collective

SEO Trends in 2023

Seo trends 2023

When it comes to Search Engine Optimisation, things are always changing. While it’s useful to keep up to date with SEO trends, it’s always important to keep one thing in mind. Google is constantly trying to make search easier and more useful for searchers.

You can’t go wrong if you focus on your user first. There are always going to be new trends, algorithm updates, and technology changes. That being said, it’s still worth staying in the loop on all the latest updates.

But staying abreast of everything that’s happening is exhausting and overwhelming. To make things a little easier, here is a list of the latest SEO trends for 2023.

User Experience is Key

user experience

The most recent algorithm updates have made user experience design even more important. People have so many options to choose from when searching online that slow, unresponsive websites will send them directly to competitors.

Loading speed, site navigation, and intuitive design are paramount when it comes to UX.

Content is King

content is king

Content is more important than ever when it comes to SEO.

You need to make sure you’re creating high-quality, fresh content that actually helps your website users.

Make sure you’re providing answers and solutions on a regular basis.

Keep it Fresh

fresh seo content

The latest algorithm changes suggest that keeping your website up to date is essential.

As such, you should make sure that

  • Your site is up to date
  • You’re consistently publishing fresh content that delivers value to your users
  • You don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

Get Featured

featured snippets

Featured snippets come in all shapes and sizes, and they’re changing all the time. SEO trends predict these are only going to become more prominent when it comes to search.

You should be working to get your brand into featured snippets for your target keywords.

These short and sweet answers make for a great user experience, giving them the answers they need in an easy-to-digest way

Voice Search

seo voice search

Smart devices are everywhere, and as such more and more people are using them to search online.

This means that long-tail keywords are important. This is because people are more likely to speak in full sentences when searching via voice. People are quite lazy when they type, but they waffle on when they speak.

The rise of voice search also means mobile-optimized websites are even more important.

Mobile-First Indexing

mobile first indexing

More and more people are turning to their phones for search. If they want quick answers, it’s much easier to use a phone than open a laptop.

Search on mobile is thus one of the most important things to consider. Having a mobile-optimized website will be paramount in 2023.

Helpful Content

helpful content

One of the more recent Google algorithm updates was the ‘helpful content’ update. This update places more emphasis on content that helps the user.

The new site-wide signal is intended to classify websites based on the helpfulness of the content they published.

This is great news for sites that focus on creating useful, unique, and valuable content rather than focusing on ranking for specific keywords and increasing traffic while sacrificing helping the user.

This update was released to combat AI-generated content and surface-level content that adds no value and content that is based on assumptions.

SEO in 2023

SEO is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, but it’s also one of the most complicated.

If you need any help with your SEO, be sure to contact us. We’d love to help you improve your site’s search results appearance.

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