The SEO Collective

On Page SEO Checklist 2023 – Rank in Search Results

on page seo checklist

Discover our On Page SEO checklist to ensure your website is tailored for both search engines and Google. When it comes to mastering website SEO, there are many important strategies that can be used to curate your web pages for better search engine visibility and user engagement.

Without optimizing your site, it is difficult (if not impossible) for search engines to find you. In our On Page SEO Checklist, we’ll explore essential techniques to enhance various elements of your pages. In doing this, we ensure that your content not only ranks higher but also provides a seamless and valuable experience for your audience.

SEO On-Page Checklist

In essence, this type of SEO service focusses on optimizing parts of your web pages to rank higher on search engines and get more traffic. It is applicable to both landing pages, website pages and blog pages.

So, once you’ve conducted an SEO website audit, it’s time to start ticking items off our SEO On Page audit checklist.

  • Speed up page loading time
  • Ensure your site is mobile-friendly
  • Identify and include target keywords
  • Write your headline in an H1 tag
  • Use short, descriptive URLs
  • Review your content quality
  • Structure your content with headings
  • Optimize title tags for keywords
  • Link internally to relevant content
  • Optimize images for SEO
  • Use schema markup where possible
  • Craft compelling meta descriptions
  • Find and fix keyword cannibalization
  • Find and fix orphaned pages

on page seo audit template

On-Page SEO Audit Checklist Explained

If you’re not sure what any of the above tasks entail, here is an explanation of each item on our basic on page SEO checklist. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our On-Page SEO specialist.

Speed Up Page Loading

Boost user experience and search rankings by optimizing page loading times. This can be done using techniques like image compression, minification and browser caching.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Ensure your website adapts seamlessly to various devices. As a result, each page should be responsive and user friendly.

Target Keywords

Identify relevant keywords for each page using keyword research. Also, be sure to align content with search intent for better visibility.

Integrate target keywords naturally into your content, maintaining a balance between readability and optimization. You can test your readability score using various online tools.

H1 Heading Tag

Utilize an H1 tag for your headline, incorporating primary keywords to signal content relevance to search engines.

H1s are an important factor when it comes to on-page SEO. Also, avoid multiple H1 tags per page and maintain a clear hierarchy throughout the page, showing search engine crawlers the content structure of your content.

SEO-Friendly URLs

Create concise, descriptive URLs with SEO-friendly slugs. Where possible, use your target keyword in your URL. Remove any stop words and numbers.

on page seo optimization checklist

Content Quality Review

Regularly update and enhance content quality. Further, you should conduct regular content audits and content pruning. Check that your content is accurate, relevant, and readable.

Heading Structure

Organize content with clear headings (H2, H3, etc.) to enhance readability and signal content hierarchy to search engines.

Title Tag Optimization

Craft unique and keyword-rich title tags. Then, address issues like duplicate, missing, or truncated title tags for better search visibility.

Internal Linking

Enhance user navigation and SEO by linking to relevant internal content. This is a great way to ensure page depth as well as spread link equity and guide search engines.

Image Optimization

Optimize images by resizing for fast loading. Additionally, make sure images are less than 200kb and have descriptive titles. Remember to provide descriptive alt text for both accessibility and search crawlers.

Schema Markup

Implement schema markup where available. This helps to provide structured data, enhancing search results with rich snippets and improving click-through rates.

Compelling Meta Descriptions

Write engaging meta descriptions with keywords. Then, focus on enticing users to click. Additionally, be sure to rectify duplicate or missing descriptions for consistency.

Keyword Cannibalization

Identify and resolve keyword cannibalization. Also, ensure each page targets unique keywords for optimal search performance.

Orphaned Pages

Uncover and address orphaned pages without internal links. By doing this, you can maximize their contribution to your website’s SEO efforts.

On Page SEO Checklist PDF & Template

A well-structured and finely-tuned website is the key to capturing the attention of search engines and delivering value to your visitors. And optimizing on-page elements is a cornerstone of effective SEO. Following this comprehensive checklist ensures your content ranks higher, engages users, and delivers a seamless online experience.

If you aren’t sure what to do or you’re looking for assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to help you tick off your on page SEO optimization checklist.

basic on page seo checklist

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